Also, Moses sure does look white in that picture, doesn’t he?
Not my screenshot please don't comment.
I swear, Corsetti will believe anything as long as archaeologists don't.
No more Facebook fact checking, so...
I think he's very confused and talking about Woodhenge in the second part, but also he may just be a nut.
Oh you think they preserve things that people would otherwise destroy and have already partially destroyed, do you? LITTLE DO YOU KNOW!
Just a sampling. Almost the whole feed was here's a broken water main, I need a free housecleaner or CNA, here's my lawn mowing service, and then these types of posts...
Even if you don't know anything about the Sumerians, how have you never seen Hieroglyphics before?
Those maps show Mongolia. That used to be another name for it.
The title is a quote from