While everyone has their own opinion on what makes a true McMansion, there are several defining features or attributes that should be looked for to determine if a home fits the McMansion criteria. This post will serve as a guide to help users determine if they should use the "Certified McMansion" TAG THE TITLE on their submission and to learn more about what a McMansion is. This guide will be edited as needed to make sure it fully explains the accepted properties of a McMansion.
I hate when homes are built with tall ceilings but don't fill out the space right. It feels so empty and garbage on the inside, let alone the shitty paneling on the outside with basically 0 landscaping. Yuck!
This is one of those that could have been good if they just thought about it a bit deeper, and used the space more intelligently. If you play the Sims, you aren't suddenly adequate to design and build a house.
If you like a huge parkinglot in front of your house, and really shitty facade and fake balcony(s), well, this is the house for you! And... a mosquito farm during the summer!
Slam dunk McMansion. About as McMansion as it gets without just having an entire grass outside and zero other plants. Ugh, these kinds of houses cause me pain. So much wasted space and resources and water...
This house is just a mcmansion all around, and it's quite ugly. I dunno who built it but it makes me upset just how much wasted space and lack of design there is. Also, the horses? Jesus.