Prevention is the best cure

submitted by Jerry on PieFed


A political lawn sign with 3 identical baby Trumps in diapers with the words, "NOT VOTING IS THE #1 CAUSE OF UNWANTED PRESIDENCIES"

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I'd say its the electoral college and gerrymandering with some citizens united tossed in for good measure.

by [deleted]

Don't use it? Lose it. Vote.

by [deleted]

This assumes a person is going to vote for Kamala, because any other vote besides her or trump is essentially the same as not voting.

Generally, the more people vote, the more republicans lose. "Get out the vote" is an anti-republican message in effect, which republicans know and it's why they try to stop people from voting.

Instead of, you know, being electable.

by [deleted]

The Dems have a similar thing going on. It's not "vote for me because I'm a great option", it is "vote for me or democracy dies!". If I only ever had one choice, then democracy is already dead.

Democracy died when citizens United was passed. It can be revived though.

Right now, it's more like:

"Here are my qualities, what I believe in (with a whole website page dedicated to my policies), my experience as a prosecutor, and why the other side is just plain not fit for office."

Here is the website mentioned above.

Which, again, in a sane world, is really just one choice. This, quite frankly, is the only real bullet in the "both sides are the same" argument.

I'm not saying Harris isn't qualified; she clearly is.

What I'm saying is that the Republicans have had years of making their base into good little soldiers that will vote R simply because they aren't D.

These mouth breathers only see the letter after the name. I can't tell you the number of times that voters came up to me when I was a poll worker and ask me who the "Republicans" were in a local election where the candidates can't have party affiliations.

Why yes, these were often elderly voters. What made you guess that?

Yeah it's a funny sign but ultimately useless. People who have lived through the last nearly decade dominated by Trump who still aren't voting are either so disengaged that they just don't see fighting Trump as an existential crisis or (and this is a much smaller group) see the system as so inherently fucked that they're just not partaking in it.

But maybe nobody cares for analysis ruining a perfectly funny lawn sign.

(Disclaimer: these are just my thoughts on non voters, not my own position. I will be voting, and not for a racist, rapist, fascist)

More people in general support Kamala's policies than Trump's. If every eligible voter voted, he'd lose, even considering people voting for third parties.

This display assumes a smarter than *average Trump voter*.

This is for people who *don't* support Trump.

Guess i should have phrased that better. Smarter than *average Trump voter*.

Voting is the #1 cause of unwanted presidencies, too.

It's almost like the game is rigged, I tell ya.

Except, they are all unwanted. Two choices isn’t choice.

One is none and two is one.

Two leads to one outcome. Nothing changes for the better.

Yes, and also it's still the case not voting for the candidate you prefer (not like, prefer) over the other, makes it more likely for the other to win.

The voting system is super-duper flawed, but you don't win by not playing.

It doesn’t matter which one I prefer. They will both run the country into the ground. The decisions are made at a much higher level than the presidency.

Then you are willfully ignoring the powers that your government has.

You're not wrong to say it's all being influenced to the point of almost total control by the people with the money, but it's not correct to say that both parties are equivalent and will pursue the same policies. Or that voting makes no difference.

It absolutely does matter, and you're either being disingenuous, or getting high on some copium.

Please go vote, Jesus

Yes, I vote for Jesus.

Hecking trolls these days! Back in my day they were just looking for rage on the internet, now they're trying to influence people not to vote.

Yeah one of the choices is on the ballot with no votes from its party members.

Voter turnout is low on both sides. In your lame battleground states it's especially republicans who don't vote.
If tomorrow you'll have election with a 100% turnout, trump will win.

Oh, and he is wanted. By like half of the country. You better get used to it. Or are you against democracy?

Don't want either candidate. I'm simply saving my time from endless hours of mulling over which 'might' be less bad to vote in an election where 99.99%+ chance it wouldn't matter anyway.

Just vote, down ticket local races are *also* on your ballots and those votes DO matter, thousands and thousands of small towns and cities can have their shit decided on just a handful of votes.

*Real* third party candidates focus on these races and RCV to form a foundation to effect *real* change.

If the majority of people on the left actually turned out to vote for the left most candidate every time in the last 75 years this country would be SO much further left than it is now and we wouldn't be in this mess now.

But that's the past, it can still be corrected by GETTING OUT TO VOTE and voting for the most left candidate (s) with an actual chance of winning and not just presidential elections either. Turn out to vote for "off season"/local shit too, because local elections are where your vote has the most impact.

by [deleted]

"My voice won't be heard anyway, so I won't speak." Other people will speak for you, and their wants won't allign with yours. They might even be at the expense of yours.

by [deleted]

Trump is obviously the worst vote by far, even if you don't want either candidate. Do you want someone whose policies you might disagree with, or someone with no policies who staged a coup, and killed over a million Americans through incompetence and malice during a pandemic?

If it takes you hours to figure out which candidate is worse for america you are really fucking stupid.

Says the kind of person that believes everything they see and hear on the internet and chooses to not investigate claims. Or you're just a commie that doesn't know better. Both of them are bad for America.

It doesn't take much “investigation” to hear the malicious words straight out of Trump's mouth, and the non-malicious words out of Harris' mouth. There's plenty of video of both. The difference is painfully obvious if you're not painfully dishonest.

Oh you're not an idiot or "indecisive", you're just a Trumpet trying to LARP is a "leftie" on lemmy lol

And I used to think all conspiracy theorist nutjobs were republican.

I think you proved the stupid part with that statement alone. Crazy pot heads have some of the craziest conspiracy theories ever. This is not new.

Hope neither you nor anyone you care about is brown or queer. You might be wanting one candidate over the other in January...