Superman's Disguise
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In this particular case, the last bullet point could have been sufficient
that wouldnt fly in the era of facial recognition surveillance
I feel like this commonly used argument misses key context. There are numerous scenes where Clark disappears and then within literal seconds, Superman appears. Like yeah, the costume would totally work in instances where someone hadn't literally just seen Clark, but if I just saw that fucker a few seconds ago and then saw Superman, I'd definitely at least do a contemplative eye squint.
And then there's this:
Only plausible because of Reeves' excellent acting. Like, yeah. That's 2 different people!
Obviously superman is also a super actor, at least as his ass Reeves.
I think the actual reason is no one has any reason to think that superman is walking around with an alter ego, especially without an elaborate disguise. I mean he doesn't wear a mask like the psycho bat. so people even know superman has an alter ego?
I present you Zooey Deschanel without bangs:
Wow. She really looks like Zooey Deschanel without bangs.
Also, Zooey Deschanel has been pretending that she and Katy Perry are different people for years.
Now that you mention it, I have never seen them in the same room together!
Ok, I can't tell if this is real or not, and it's breaking me.
You win.
Why are they called bangs?
(Sorry -- I'm from the UK and I have literally never understood why they are called bangs. This seemed like a good time to ask).
it was originally a horse term for when they cut the tail. called "bang-tail"
At least I know now :)
Still weird.
There's a scene from the comics where Supes is talking to this young guy who recently learned about the secret identity thing. The guy says "So, what, you can never take your glasses off in front of anyone?" Supes smiles at him and says "I take my glasses off all the time. You know what people say? 'Wow, you look just like Superman.'"
Basically, it's the Tony Hawks thing. People don't expect a guy as important as super man to just be some dude getting a coffee. It's more logical and more natural to assume that the guy who looks uncannily like Superman is just a guy who looks uncannily like Superman. That just makes more sense to people, so that's what they believe.
Also, this:
The Clark Kent disguise would definitely fool most people that don't regularly interact with either of them.
The real dumb thing is it's portrayed as fooling people who have a close personal relationship with him in both forms and spend non negligible amounts of time around both Clark and Superman. Those people would quickly notice.
Except, the Clark Kent persona is portrayed as the kind of person no one sees even when they're talking to him.
He gets his work done well, but not so well as to stand out. He doesn't win awards or receive accolades. He never asks anyone to drop him off at the airport or help him move. He doesn't ever call out sick or do anything else that would draw attention. He doesn't get drunk at the office Christmas party. Automatically friend-zoned by every woman he meets, not because there's anything wrong with him, but just because there's nothing *right* about him. He's not the guy you ask out. He's the guy you ask to watch your cat so you can go on vacation with someone else. He's only noticed in his absence, and then he's quickly forgotten when he returns.
Lots of people like that are completely invisible.
Also, look how convincing Christopher Reeves makes this transformation by only taking off his glasses and shifting his posture. He doesn't even change his hair. I could definitely work with this guy and not realize he was Superman.
I needed a movie to watch tonight.
1978s Superman it is :)
Actually he parts his hair on the opposite side!
Fair enough, but I meant that, specifically in that clip, he transforms from Clark to Superman and back to Clark purely through how he carries himself and a pair of glasses. It's just a single take where he takes off his glasses, stands up straight, and looks like a completely different person.
Reeves acting really shows out.
That's not intentional. It just happens when you run through a revolving door really fast.
Parton and Chaplin, sure, but the other contests were for comic book heros that unless stated as part of the contest rules would not necessarily favor the films' character adaptations.
Which is to say Wolverine is canonically short.
Also the story about Chaplin is almost certainly made up.
Charlie chaplin lookalike contest sounds like a setup for a hitler joke.
People shouldn't make Hitler jokes. That sort of thing makes me Fuhrious.
Whenever someone makes one here I just pretend I did nazi it.
I mean, they weren't wrong.
You have to remember that Ryan Reynolds is 7'3"
Wait, was Clark Kent the costume?
Well yeah, Superman *is* Superman, he just dons his Clark Kent costume when he wants to be inconspicuous. The superman suit is more of a *uniform* than a costume or disguise.
So when I was five years old on Halloween, I was just wearing some stupid uniform?
another is in spiderman far from home, mysterio appears throughout the film yet nobody noticed