Daily life + scifi

submitted by vatlark@lemmy.world


Daily life + scifi

The artist: http://www.simonstalenhag.se/es.html

I always really liked these pieces. Mixing the mundane with scifi.

My friend does something similar and paints scifi elements on top of old boring prints from second hand stores. I'll have to get a picture and share.


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I love his work, I’m in the kickstarter for his new book and I can’t wait to see it

Oh I didn't know that existed

Yeah, I supported his Labyrinth book (which is great) on there a while ago, so I got notified when the kickstarter for Swedish Machines was launched. It should be getting delivered fairly soon, I can’t wait!

Wasn't they're also a game that was based on the art coming out soon? I think I remember a bit of controversy thanks to the game makers not really asking him for permission.

You may have conflated two separate things there. There’s a table-top game that, if iirc, he had a hand in making, which gets fairly well reviewed I think. There’s also a TV series (loosely) based on Tales From The Loop, which has essentially lost everything of value from the narrative of the book.

There is a tv show called tales from the loop based on his work.

That might be what I was thinking of.

There's a ttrpg of the same name as well. I haven't heard about any controversy though.

There's this movie coming soon that seems rather... Inspired by these landscapes. They put him in the credits.

I assumed Simon worked on this when I saw the trailer. Yeah, "inspired", haha, man.

I LOVED the adaptations of Tales From The Loop but the trailer for the film based on this series was.....incredibly disappointing

Maybe they didn't want just another trailer that gave away the entire movie? I haven't seen the trailer, myself, but in the books there seems to be a slow-build to revealing the whole story of the world. I'd imagine this would be hard to make a trailer for without giving away key details that might ruin the movie.

The trailer looks like a typical hyped up Hollywood scifi movie. Instead of the introspective vibe that makes Simon's work so iconic, it stars Chris Pratt and plays a booming orchestral cover of Somewhere Over The Rainbow. It's VERY in-your-face....give it a watch and I think you'll understand why I'm disappointed

I knew nothing about the art 10 minutes ago and now I am also enraged at the trailer.


I know Tales From The Loop wasn't for everyone but it did a remarkably good job of translating it. It felt like the show runners really "got" his work. The score, the cinematography, the pacing...I think it's a beautiful series. It reminded me of Battlestar Galactica in the sense that the sci-fi was just the backdrop for the story, not the whole point of it.

The trailer for The Electric State is one catchphrase away from being a Marvel movie. I don't mean that as an insult to Marvel, though - it's just the wrong aesthetic for a slow, grounded story by Simon Stalenhag.

Giant robot explodes and the head lands 5 feet from Chris Pratt. He looks at the camera and says "well that just happened.

I just might, thanks!

I have had a piece of Simon Stålenhag artwork as the background of literally every smartphone & pc I've ever owned.

His work is the best sci fi art I've seen. Another similar artist I discovered here on Lemmy is Jakub Rozalski.

Similar general theme, but mixing sci-fi more with medieval era. I think preference is down to taste in art style.

There's this movie coming soon that seems rather... Inspired by these landscapes. They put him in the credits.

I'm so pissed it looks like any other Hollywood action flick. Why can't they just make one based on the mood that these artworks give off? I don't need another run of the mill action movie.

There’s also this show


Created based on the art book from his with the same name

Haven't read the book, but I'm kinda curious. I did like that show. This movie looks like it's going to be some cheap Disney-like cash-grab.

I completely agree. It's just a sad state for movies these days.

How long do you think the artist worked on this? An hour? A week? A month? A year?

I'm a big fan of his work.
I quit a job to work on a movie based on one of his books.

Whoa! How is the movie coming along?

.... not looking good... you can definitely tell its based on his work but totally misses the feeling of it, the way I feel tales from the loop really got.

Oh, I hadn't heard of tales from the loop. Tempting...

Can't recommend tales from the loop enough. Its slow and episodic but all starts to tie together as it progresses.
Like I said, I think they really matched the feeling of the art in that series.

I get strong Fallout vibes from a lot of his stuff. Like it!

This reminds me a lot of that area in Norman Reedus And The Magical Feetus... where you meet Mama I think?