Can anyone stop President Musk?
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A republic, if you can keep it.
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If enough publications call him President Musk enough, Trump might kick him out.
he's in too deep. he'll double down, then double down again. no way is *donald j. trump, president of the united states of america*, stopping this implosion. trump hasn't got the balls to, nor the power left to do it. he's literally not man enough to stop the manchild dipshit.
Early last year, there were reports that the RNC was nearly broke. Gathering the money to have a convention was going to be difficult.
Musk and his Silicon Valley friends jumped in. They are expecting a return on that investment. Trump couldn't stop them if he wanted to. It's to the point that whatever blackmail Putin has on Trump is secondary.
I'm fairly certain musk has the power in the relationship.
Nah, he's a child with a new hammer. Pops'll scold him soon.
More like stepchild that controls the trust fund.
There's only one lie that Trump cares about protecting and it isn't pee tapes. Its net worth.
The new Smedley Butler lol
Smelly Buttler?
Their interests align, take govt money and put it in rich people's pockets. There might be some disagreement on whose pocket and how much but Trump and Musk are on the same side.
yea.. some orange moron in a diaper and bad hair piece could. if his masters approved, anyway.
Elon Musk?
More like Walmart Ernst Stavro Blofeld.
How about we stop calling the shitbag that for one...