Important note about a Nazi that is clogging up SDF with a disinfo campaign

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@[email protected] is spreading a disinfo campaign trying to rebrand horrible ideas as "not nazi." I don't know where else to warn people about this. We are pushing for an instance ban, but the admin at SDF tends to be slow to reach.

Edit: Look at the modlog. I beg of any instance admin that sees the ban and removal reasons alone, including a ban reason of "tranny" , I hope to hell they break your instance rules. You should instance ban this moron to keep the spread down.

Edit 2: It has been more than a day now with not even a "We will look into it." kind of reply from the admin. It may be time to look into defederation. We are effectively abandoned.

Edit for an update:


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82 Comments needs a backup admin that is reachable badly.

I've emailed, tooted, and tagged the admin on Lemmy. I am fumbling through a BBS post in my phone. I can do no more except let people know to block this Nazi and please don't think the SDF instance appreciates or tolerates this Nazi BS.

I agree, they really do. I don't have too much hope for them otherwise. Even getting them to update their instance when it was on the broken 0.19.2 Lemmy version was like pulling teeth. They're ridiculously hard to contact. I was thankfully able to get that resolved but wow... I'm glad I didn't choose it as my primary instance.

Quick correction: Domain is (fix missing period)

Thanks. I hate typing on my phone.

Lot of trolls floating in lately. Got that stupid catfishing message a couple days ago in my DMs.

Seems that the current president cosplaying as king has emboldened the most toxic conservatives to crawl out of the woodwork.

I remember that happened in 2017 too, so we can probably expect them to get bored and fuck off somewhere else sooner or later

Wait, the catfish happened to a bunch of people? Thought it was just a few, I ignored it when I got it.

Weird right?

I think the catfish was targeting active commenters based on the post a bit ago about it.

Huh, that's strange. Why active users specifically? Telling me to touch grass?

Probably easy to find usernames by just opening a post I’d guess

Touching grass is never a bad idea though

Yea lol, was a joke more than anything. has banned the user and blocked/purged the communities.

Lemmy probably needs a "Report Community" feature that goes to the Admins of the instance.

But I can say, the Admins are aware.

Isn't there a button that does that already?

Yeah, I saw that guy recently and blocked the communities that he seemed to be running.

I then tagged him as "Conservative Dickhead" in Voyager, though I'll be updating that to be simply "Nazi".

Tomato, tomato.

Yeah, at first I want to give the benefit of the doubt, but after reading here I decided to just spell it out for myself

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I thought about it, but if I am going to call someone a Nazi, I don't want to make a joke about the situation.

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I gotta start tagging the trolls/non trolls. Guess I'll start with you. Ally 😀💜

Thank you, I don't know if I did anything that valuable, but I do appreciate it!

I'm disappointed that such a user is on the same instance as I. Thanks for raising the alarm. I'm hopeful the folks in charge take action.

I agree! I saw their posts and was disgusted.

I just had a look at his profile again, and he keep posting shit, but so far seems to be mostly only posting new actual posts on his own communities on

Those communities are:





I can't be arsed to link properly, and don't want to drive traffic to them, but these are the current communities on, where he is most active.

Seems like it might be the same asshole who spammed in the past and flooded it with hateful garbage.

A quick look at their comment and post history shows that they hate:

Trans people
Star Trek
Star Wars they know they're on Lemmy...?

Well since they seem at least ambivilant on linux, perhaps not?

(Kidding, kidding.)

Liking Linux but hating trans people is diabolical work. At least 25% of the userbase wear pink, blue and white thigh highs.

Thanks for the heads up.

You are welcome. I'd recommend not looking at the local feed for a while.

Yep. Can confirm. I did update the post with a screenshot of the modlog.

Oops I missed that! Anyway glad it's dealt with.

Help spread the word on this, we need instance admins all over to help stop this asshole.


dbzer0 admins

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] admins

@[email protected] @[email protected] admins

@[email protected] @[email protected] admins

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] admins

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] admins

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] admins

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] admins

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

I apologize for pinging all of you, this is a serious issue and it's faster to ping like this than to message everyone individually.

We banned him a few hours ago. In the future, please at least navigate to the major servers and check their modlogs before pinging the admins.

Admins usually notify other admins fairly quickly about stuff like this. But in this case the other admins (myself) aren't going to know if the user had already banned by one of our colleagues, so we end up having to check multiple times.

It's all good though, I appreciate your urgency.

Oh I see, sorry I didn't check sooner. I'll try to check the modlog next time (hopefully there isn't a next time).

Thank you for bringing it to our attention, already banned from, will communicate with the other admins to see if more action is warranted.

I don't mean to backseat moderate but is a 7 day ban really the best option in this situation as opposed to a permanent one with content removal? I mean this isn't an average scenario, this is an extremist user spreading hate and disinformation, and for that they get only a 7 day ban?

This is a temporary measure until I can discuss it futher with the other admins. I think they'll agree a perma-ban is warranted.

Ok that's good to know. I sure hope they do.

Just a follow-up, they are now perma-banned. Thank you (:

Hijacking this useful ping to say that I absolutely would not hold a grudge over defederation due to this. We can't get in touch with the admin. They are likely asleep. Please remember, though, that aside from this BS, it is just a quiet nerdy instance full of Unix lovers.

Edit: autocorrect typos

Me neither. If the mods don't respond to or address this issue by tomorrow I will begin advocating defederation from because if they aren't willing or able to moderate hate speech, then they aren't a safe instance to be on or be around.

Yeah, seems like they need a spare emergency admin or two in different time zones. Hell, every instance that doesn't require approval to create communities needs those, imo

Most instances with a larger userbase really need to have a 24 hour team, "mods are asleep" should never happen on a server with a large userbase. The disruptions that can cause in cases like this are unacceptable.

It is a bad look for a non-profit that does some genuinely cool stuff.

Yeah it definitely is. They should be way more attentive when it comes to moderation, as well as maintenance of their services. I still remember having to beg them to update from 0.19.2 to 0.19.3 because the instance was broken and not federating (couldn't even log in) it was so difficult to get them to do that. They did do it but it shouldn't have been anywhere near that hard.

Feel free to donate and collaborate!

Contact the admins at they have a system of cross instance banning and tracking down to an art form. That’s assuming you can contact them if you are not banned.

I didn't think to reach out to them since they're a smaller instance, they likely don't even see this whole thing happening. This is more an issue for the bigger admins since they're the ones who will ultimately stop the spread.
So I didn't really want to bother them with something that they probably can't even see.

Appears they’ve already been dealt with.

Nope, I looked on and it does not appear they have. Nazi shit is still there.
So since it's been a day without any response I think it's time we started defederating from at least until we get updates on the situation. After all this idiot could have more sockpupets there we don't know about.

Their comments and posts seem to have been removed from the parent instance now

Nope. Still posting as of less than a minute ago. They may have earned an instance ban from your instance.

Either that, or they're blocking people that are talking about them.

It's a troll, and one of several I have seen over the last couple of days. There isn't much to go on now, but they could just be lost tankies or a single troll with multiple accounts that is just trying to get a rise out of people.

My bets are it's a single troll. Most tankies don't go straight for transphobia.

Okay wow so it’s been almost 24 hours. The admin’s last post was a year ago. Has anyone had contact with them since? What are the chances this instance is just running derelict?

Hoping I am wrong! But if I’m not SDF users might want to consider to start migrating. If the admin can’t be reached at all the next step other admins are gonna take is defederation.

SDF is a very old, esteemed community that has existed long before Lemmy and the Fediverse.

24 hours is normal by its measure.

Yes I do understand that. Nevertheless SDF needs to come to terms that it is integrating with a much more dense and active community by hosting a Lemmy instance and act accordingly.

I don't think this is the right attitude. Just do a coordinated ban on the user and their communities. If one can't ban a community from one instance on another - then this is a technical flaw to be solved. Maybe some kind of 2/3 vote system to do those coordinated bans, too, so that people with personal life keeping small instances could keep up.

But then in my personal humble opinion any federated model is flawed. And then NOSTR is inconvenient, because it's everything in the same place - microblogging, video streaming, something like Reddit/Lemmy, and I fear to see a new tab in Amethyst every day. Also I don't like that its protocol is designed around web technologies - websockets+JSON. But maybe that's wise, it's a bit less likely to be easily blocked.

It sounds like your position is based on a disagreement with the system as a whole, which is fair. But I am working within the realistic bounds of the tools currently at hand.

Not even a reply to anything on Mastodon or e-mails. I think I may nuke this account and all of the content in protest.

definitely not what you want to see in that position of power

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Nah, still posting. I typo'd the user URL. Fixed.

ah, no worries. hope he gets canned soon

Ashton is still posting

thanks, op mistyped the name and when I clicked it the user couldn't be found, my bad.

Okay, so I feel partly guilty because my pov has been that I want to poke at what I think is hivemind behavior and take on devils advocate perspectives. I don’t think it’s worth it if literal nazis feel like they have a place to comment here. I hate it when there are posts that go unchallenged while advocating for clearly disingenuous and misstated opinions. But yeah, I think I’ll just block out the Marxist political content instead.

Okay, so I feel partly guilty because my pov has been that I want to poke at what I think is hivemind behavior and take on devils advocate perspectives.

Bro... Take a look at yourself.

When you're on the same side of Nazis and and they feel like they have a welcoming place with you and your ideas, doesn't that tell you maybe what you're doing is not ideal?

You're not simply playing "devil's advocate". You're enabling fascist, Nazis and other bigots because in your efforts to "fight Marxism" (whatever that means), you're growing more and more extreme towards the right.

And is that really the road you want to take?

I don’t think it’s worth it if literal nazis feel like they have a place to comment here.

It seems like your answer to that question is "no". So why don't you take a moment to step back and ask yourself if to you it's worth being on the same side of Nazis.

I hate it when there are posts that go unchallenged while advocating for clearly disingenuous and misstated opinions.

But they don't go unchallenged. You are being disingenuous here.

I saw your profile, and all your rebuttals at anything remotely Marxist has very often been commented on by fellow Marxists. You either stopped replying when you didn't know what to say. Or their answers were just dismissed by you, without providing any legitimate counter arguments.

But yeah, I think I’ll just block out the Marxist political content instead.

Do that then. I'd rather you just blocked various accounts and communities rather than continuing down the road you're in.

I've seen plenty of people get sucked into the far right pipeline because a Marxist was too mean once or because they didn't agree with the left mentality.

You can of course be another of those people. And additionally, you can of course disagree with left ideas/opinions as well.

But if you're feeling any remorse about being on the same side of Nazi users, I would invite you to ask yourself why are you truly being so passionately against the left that you're willing to align your ideas and worldviews with those of Nazis.

Best of luck to you!

Edit: You don't have to answer my comment either if you don't want to. I just wanted to share my own opinion and an invitation to stop and truly reflect on what's important to you.

You’re right, it’s not worth it

I stopped responding because I got banned 🤷‍♀️

I stopped responding because I got banned 🤷‍♀️

You got banned 12 hours ago from for exactly 6 days. And you were temporarily banned because you kept being troll-y and not engaging in good fate. You were laughing at the people downvoting you, telling everyone that they didn't understand anything they were saying and that only you were the one who truly knew what they were talking about.
That is troll behavior. Period.

While 8 days ago you were banned from because your views got you labeled as bigot. You might say you are not, but what is the difference if at the end of the day you just happen to keep saying the same things that other bigots say? In the eyes of any outsider, you're just another bigot.

Finally, let's get something straight: I am not here to convince you of what you did. Nor I wish to debate about whether or not what you did was correct, the mods actions justified or anything else like that.

I am simply telling you, as an outsider, that your actions are mirroring the same actions of those that eventually started hanging out with fascists and Nazis because they alienated everyone else in their blind reactions and hate.

What you do with this information is entirely up to you, my friend.

There will be no amount of words that I can say that could convince you of that unless you think that yourself.

I think you folks are biased, and that’s why I don’t care about the bans.

I think you folks are biased

And? You're acting again as if you were the only neutral person in the world. Everyone has bias. You have (far) right wing bias. It's about being aware of the bias and knowing not to be as biased when making decisions that matters.

Decisions like whether or not you want to be on the side of Nazis, for example.

and that’s why I don’t care about the bans.

And that's what I meant with "you're debating in bad faith".

I'm writing long paragraphs with specific points to address. You are only writing 2 shitty lines that don't even address my points.

2 lines that openly contradict each other too. You cannot say at first "but they banned me 🤷‍♀️" and then immediately "but I actually don't care about the ban".

Talk to me about having biases again?

This is the last thing I'll write to you by the way. I value my time too much to waste it writing comments to rightwing trolls who are unwilling to have an actual conversation and be critical of themselves.

I will block you as well if necessary because I don't want to have people in my feed who repeat Nazi and transphobic talking points, or who are against DEI and CRT.

Don't worry. The troll is competent and the org doesn't have the bandwidth to deal with this. To all that may see this: defederation should be on the table