I have been curious about degoogled android operating system options but my phone is galaxy a54. Through the options I could find they do not mention any support for this model. Any advice on this?
[Podcast] Vous avez raté nos émissions ? Les replays et leurs pads sont enfin dispo !OP : @midiverse@forumlibre hackstub.eu/nextcloud/s/pCM3cDfEykwFABE On a hésité à les publier jusque-là car on avait mis la barre très haute en termes de post-prod et transcription pour la 1ère (que vous pouvez toujours retrouver proprement sur peertube.public.cat/w/cYPY2BLbEfqdSXwr1Did89). Mais comme nos pads sont déjà bien denses pour résumer nos émissions et que vous êtes plusieurs à préférer des podcasts à l'arrache que rien du tout, voilà qui est fait !Bonne écoute/lecture !#podcast #offdem25 #ia #android #spyware #a69 #transrights #fediverse #midinalefeesdiverses
I have been lurking on this community for a while now and have really enjoyed the informational and instructional posts but a topic I don't see come up very often is scaling and hoarding. Currently, I have a 20TB server which I am rapidly filling and most posts talking about expanding recommend simply buying larger drives and slotting them in to a single machine. This definitely is the easiest way to expand, but seems like it would get you to about 100TB before you cant reasonably do that anymore. So how do you set up 100TB+ networks with multiple servers?
Image qui montre comment résoudre un problème en bricolage : Ça bouge ? -> non -> ça devrait ? si oui wd40 / si non -> bah alors ! ? -> oui -> ça devrait ? Si non scotch renforcé / si oui -> bah alors Si ça bouge -> C'est réparé ! Si ça bouge plus - > c'est réparé
If anyone from Jlai.lu is able to do the dub, I would really appreciate it. As this valued work would introduce a lot more people to the campaign in the large vast country of France.
Hello guys! A few days ago my current phone fell flat on its screen and it cracked. It's still usable, but its already quite old, and I've been wanting to switch to Fairphone because I like what they are doing as a company, and I like that I can get a device with a degoogled OS directly from them.
You've already seen duckweed, I know that.
It's ubiquitous and literally a pest in some areas.
Also known as "water lentils", they can cover ponds in just a matter of days. They are also one of the fastest growing and replicating plants ever.
https://academic.oup.com/smoa/article/6/2/162/6956480This is what happens when nobody puts their foot down out of fear of being labeled a transphobe.After learning about this, I'll remove the organ donor card from my wallet to make sure my parts aren’t used in disturbing experiments involving tortured animals. I never even thought that was a possibility! 🤮Does this mean you cannot be #vegan and support #transgender ideology?@vegan group
Looking to switch my photos over to immich hosted on my PC.
I want to be able to:
+ send photos from my phone to PC
+ delete them off of my phone and have them safe on my PC
+ I don't need to do this all the time, so I figured immich on my local network is fine. Then I don't have to figure out wireguard.
🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒(40+)@forumlibre Salut, ça doome ?De mon côté, parmi plys de 40 #GoodNews (😎) j'ai récolté des baisses de pollution atmosphériques dans le monde, le chef moustachu du FBI qui envoie promener Trump (et plein d'autres obstacles au MAGA), le NDDL canadien, une réserve maritime grande comme la Suisse, Linux moins énergivore et les Étars des U.S qui feront toujours des renouvelables, un astéroïde vitaminé et du riz sans émissions de méthane.Bons appétits.
Just noticed this today - seems all the archiving activity has been noticed by NCBI / NLM staff. Thankfully most of SRA (the Sequence Read Archive) and other genomic data is also mirrored in Europe.
I set up an instance of the ArchiveTeam Warrior on my home server with Docker in under 10 minutes. Feels like I'm doing my part to combat removal of information from the internet.
Dairy cattle in Nevada have been infected with a new type of bird flu that’s different from the version that has spread in U.S. herds since last year, Agriculture Department officials said Wednesday.